Cash Application Management
Automate Remittance Capture From Portals. Out-of-the-box robotic process automation for 100+ AP portals.
Auto-fetch remittance data from customer websites and 100+ AP portals using bots and APIs.
Pull key remittance data fast. Use AI to read downloaded Excel/PDFs from customer websites.
This e-book will walk you through the options for processing checks on the parameters of processing cost, check float reduction and resource requirement.
Download the EbookRead on to find out how Artificial Intelligence and Cloud-Based Machine Learning can help you cut down costs, effort and time!
Download the EbookThis package contains an excel sheet and an ebook for A/R leaders for justifying a business case in an automated cash application system.
Download the TemplateRemittance portal automation uses RPA and API integrations to automatically retrieve remittance information from customer and AP portals, streamlining the remittance process.
Our AI-based remittance portal integration leverages advanced algorithms to extract remittance information from downloaded electronic data, ensuring accurate and efficient data capture.
An AI-driven remittance portal automates the extraction of remittance information from electronic data, reducing manual effort, minimizing errors, and increasing processing efficiency.
Yes, the remittance portal automation is designed to handle different types of remittance data, ensuring comprehensive data capture from various sources.
Schedule your 30 minute personalized demo for a live walkthrough of our Autonomous Finance capabilities.