Move to ‘Forecast Accuracy’ section to check the accuracy of the forecast.
Check the historical Forecast vs Actual
Click on the graph to deep dive into the accuracy trends.
View how the forecast improved over time
You can see the forecasted value along with variance for the same over the past 3 months in the same column.
Notice the increase in accuracy?
Accuracy increases incrementally while variance (in blue) decreases as you move upwards, closer to the actual date.
Plan your finances for worst case scenario
(Maximum variance) x (Forecasted Closing Balance) = Your Cash Balance in the Worst Case Scenario
For 24 Aug
Forecasted Closing Balance = $63.18 million
Maximum Variance at end of 8 weeks = 20%
Variation in Closing Balance = $63.18 million x 20% = ±$12.64 million
Closing balance will likely range between $50.54 million to $75.82 million
Final Decision: The treasurers can be confident that within the next 8 weeks, they will have enough cash to be deployed and need not borrow any additional money. The treasurer might deploy some cash even in the worst-case scenario.