How AI Enables Accurate A/R Forecasting

Effective ways for Treasury to optimize liquidity through accurate Accounts Receivable forecasting


Chapter 01

Best Practices to Improve A/R Forecasting

Chapter 02

How Accurate A/R Forecasting Helps Optimize Liquidity

Chapter 03

How AI Enables Accurate A/R Forecasting

Chapter 04

About Treasury Solutions
Chapter 03

How AI Enables Accurate A/R Forecasting

Under the hood – how AI automates A/R cash forecasting and generates accurate forecasts
How AI Enables Accurate A/R Forecasting

Real-time Revision of Cash Forecasts:

Forecast and reforecast in real-time to get accurate forecasts

Granular Visibility into A/R Cash Flows:

Track A/R at regions, entity, company, customer and invoice levels

Predict Payment Date with Accuracy:

Predict when an invoice is going to be paid by analyzing customer payment patterns


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The HighRadius™ Treasury Management Applications consist of AI-powered Cash Forecasting Cloud and Cash Management Cloud designed to support treasury teams from companies of all sizes and industries. Delivered as SaaS, our solutions seamlessly integrate with multiple systems including ERPs, TMS, accounting systems, and banks using sFTP or API. They help treasuries around the world achieve end-to-end automation in their forecasting and cash management processes to deliver accurate and insightful results with lesser manual effort.