How to Get ROI Out of Credit Groups
Join experts from Danone to know the 8 step process for effectively implementing change and the importance of holistic people first change management
Join Anthony Satriano, Global Finance Director, Finance operations, Honeywell and know his approach to transform global Order-to-Cash by three step process
Join Experts from P&G, NRG, and GE and get insights on the latest developments in enterprise technology to ensure that you are prepared for the future.
Join experts from Church & Dwight and Adidas to learn about the six sigma methodology and how to incorporate their principles for continuous improvement
Join Jacob Whetstone from Danone as he shares a roadmap for scaling your business with high-impact shared services and obtaining operational efficiency.
[0:00] Marinko Marijolovic: Now just throwing that payphone bit by the way, because that was the last place I was thinking of finding the phone period, let alone a payphone. You know, it’s like, why is the government running phone lines, electricity, and all this stuff down here? But they have everything from running water […]
With the changing workforce, businesses today must adapt their culture, management style, and overall leadership to meet millennial employee and customer needs.
Join experts from Adidas and EmployBridge to Explore the scopes, hurdles, and benefits of improving customer experience.
[00:09] Host: So to start off. Welcome ladies! We are so happy to have you here today and to be hosting this session. So you each have made some bold moves in your careers. What prompted you, what motivated you to make changes. Was it serendipity or was it careful planning? [00:30] Eileen Dignen: So, […]
Santiago Tommasi: As she said, my name is Santiago Tommasi. I am a credit manager in Mosaic. We are going to talk today about the project, the implementation project of CDA, which is a credit decision accelerator, which is a tool provided by HighRadius. Actually, a few months ago, we were talking with HighRadius about […]
Learn from the GBS leaders at WESCO on O2C Process Benchmarking & assessment to ensure a smoother, successful A/R transition.
Tisha Clausell: Once again, I’m Tisha Clausell, and today we’re going to talk about how you should choose the right vendor. Some of the agenda items they’re saying is going to cover, She’s gonna cover building relationships with your vendor. The road map for the objectives and how to evaluate the vendor. So when you […]
Join Paul Watters, Finance Leader at MercuryMarine to learn how they reduced 67% onboarding time for customers and improved the overall credit process with AI.
Kiran Rana: Can you hear me? OK. All right. So I just want to set a context before we dive into the discussion. At HighRadius a few years back then we started looking to do most of the products and how they would be well, it period in time. One of the things that were […]
[0:10] Host: Okay so, first of all, thank you for joining us, Frederic. Thank you all for joining us here today at this panel session as well. So Frederic, let’s start off by asking you. What you think are the key factors that are responsible for a successful digital O2C transformation project? [00:40] Frederic Berthoud: […]
Learn the fundamentals of AI and Machine Learning adoption in order to cash from industry expert & former VP of GBS, P&G, Tony Saldanha.
Mariana R C Costa: Hello everyone. Good morning. Thanks for calling the session. I know it’s a little bit cold today. It’s not easy. So, I am Brazilian but I’m working in Uruguay now because Syngenta has our financial center operations in Uruguay. And now we will speak a little bit about our challenges and […]
Slav Maslyanchyuk: Welcome! What we’d like to do is just share a few tips that we learned along the way. RFP will be different depending on what industry or company you are in, but you know some of the steps that will help you make a successful RFP, or closing on the company that you’re […]
[0:12] Cortney Herington: Yeah, so I’m Cortney Herington. I work for Coca Cola bottlers in sales and services, as she said it’s an organization. We provide specialized financial services and Procurement Services to the entire coke system for North America. So, I’ve been to the coke system. It’s a complex system. I have been in […]
A knowledge exchange hosted by the expert, Gunther Smets from Cargill, for order to cash GPOs.
Julie Weaver: Okay! So, today we’re going to talk about what Candy Crush is, we’re going to talk about some leadership lessons that I’ve learned from Candy Crush. And then we’re going to go through a checklist and see how these leadership lessons help. How are you using them in your life in review? So, […]
Interviewer: I’m sorry I was talking on mute or some of our customers might have heard that quite often. So thank you all for coming all the way from Union Station. It was a long walk, I’m sure your step count increased significantly today. So before I start, I want to say one thing I […]
Joy Krugel: Okay, just to check everybody here since we have a full room I want to make sure I have everybody’s attention. Well, thank you for joining us today. They do say they saved the best for last. So between the session and lunch. Here we go. Just maybe just a little bit that […]
Learn how the team at Ardent Mills transformed their deductions management process while facing the lack of a dedicated deductions management team.
Stephanie Brantley: Hi there. As he introduced me, I’m Stephanie with EBSCO. I’ve been there for almost 10 years now. And what I want us to cover in our sessions today is I am going to tell you a little bit about EBSCO. I also want us to take a look at billing and invoicing […]
George Uko: Thank you. What we’re going to do today is we’re going to go over driving E-adoption. This is really going through with EIPP. Trying to find the best practices to get our customers on EIPP. So a couple of things we need to think of if we’re going to adopt our customers to […]
Vikram Gollakota: Thank you all. Thank you all for joining us. Wow, it is loud. And y’all hear me. Okay. Alright, perfect. So thanks for joining, I have a set of interesting questions that we have sourced from a lot of experiences that we have and the conversations we have with our clients. So, I’m […]
[0:11] Roger Anderson: Alright so let’s start off. You know about me, I’ve spent 13 years in the deduction management space. I’ve actually been a HighRadius user, and a consultant now for the last eight years. So I actually was in your role before. We were actually using the system, day to day basis. So […]
Host: Welcome, everybody. Welcome to my panelists. We’re so happy to have you here this morning. So I start off with a question, and I’m going to have each one of you if you would provide the answer. So, first off where do you feel the opportunities for accepting credit card payments in B2B lie, […]
Bill Weiss: Well, this is wonderful. I consider this kind of Mount Rushmore of business credit. You know we got some great people and companies on here and it’s really exciting for me to be able to moderate this panel. So let’s jump right in and kind of put everyone on the spot a little […]
Jessica Butler: Welcome, everyone. You know young kids should go to medical school. But my husband and I did not marry young. He’s the same age as me. And that’s a little weird. My son was very fortunate. He’s at medical school in the United States. My husband is not. My husband could not get […]
Mike Thelen: Before we start with a few of the questions, we have the icebreaker going, I do want to mention that it may not be obvious to everybody that we have a rather diverse geographical group of people here. So I’m the boring one from the United States, and have Moustapha from Canada, Saurabh […]
[00:30] Roger Anderson: Sure everybody is looking forward to the day, so hopefully, this topic doesn’t bore everybody and hopefully, let’s have a little food for thought at the end of it all. And I’m sure everybody loves post audits if you deal with them now, it’s probably a really fun game. Personally, the reason […]
[0:00] Cindy Scott: Hello everyone, I’m going to first tell you that I’m not gonna move around a lot because this is high, and I’ll probably fall off and it kind of creeks and this makes me really nervous. So, I’m just going to pretty much stay still. Sorry. This is really high, it’s kind […]
Lisa Tanner: I’ve been talking about this topic for years and years and years, and one of the things I find is that in every conference I learn more from you guys than you probably do from me and that’s why I keep doing this. To start with this as a topic that goes back […]
Gunther Smets: Good morning everybody. So my name is Gunther Smets and I work with Cargill. So the intent of the next. How much do we have? We have 40 minutes I think. Yeah. So of the next 40 minutes has to go a bit through the technology challenges and the technology design that we […]
Lori Pinto: Thank you. Good morning. I’m honored to be here. I’ve been a credit manager for 32 years. My first job was with household finances. Right out of high school and from there on I just stuck with it. And it’s been a great ride so far. And because of that, and because of […]
Paul Watters: What I wanted to talk to you about today is Collections and artificial intelligence. As we heard yesterday what Sashi was talking about in his keynote address, ‘Artificial intelligence is absolutely going to change the way we collect money in the future and the way we run our credit departments’. So I think […]
Jill Barnes: All right so I’m Jill Barnes and we only have a couple of folks here. We are super early today so let’s be just really informal and if you have a question, throw it out. I don’t think we need to wait until the end. So this is the customer collaboration Maturity Model. […]
[00:10] James Robinson: My name is James Robinson. I’m the treasurer for Lhoist, North America. Just a little background about our company- we were founded in Belgium, about a hundred and thirty years ago. It’s a private company, closely family held and proud to be so. We’re a global leader in lime and limestone products. […]
Kush Kumar: Thanks and thanks a lot for getting all the names right. So good afternoon everyone. Thank you so much for coming here on a Monday afternoon, I know it’s been a long day. We already have the popcorn, Marinko, and Scott. So I thought about how I should start this session. So the […]
Jacob Whetstone: I won a contest in our class, and my job was right before the commercial break I’d say something like “Stay tuned for the weather” and then I would cut it. So I was so excited I was trying to tell my kids about this, and they were like, “Oh! We wanna see […]
Tisha Clausell: Hello everyone and thank you for coming to our presentation. I want to start with a little joke this morning. So why do you think the robot got angry? Does anybody know? Because you kept pushing his buttons. So we talked about robotics in some of the sessions and how artificial intelligence is […]
Julie Weaver: This is a case study, this is how Caliber Collision implemented the HighRadius cash application tool for ACH payments. So basically, our challenge was that we had a million payments that were processed manually, which was done annually but that was also manual and we had ten different processes for ACH reconciliation. As […]
Mariana Costa: Hello everyone. So I’m here to talk a little bit about the cash application in Latin America. I am working in Montevideo in Syngenta and we have a financial center operation there. I am responsible for Brazil but I’m still working on some projects in Latin America and we are trying to automatize […]
[01:17] Carolyn Etress: Good morning, everybody thanks Angela for the joke. That was great. I’m Carolyn Etress with Ebsco you may or may not recognize our name or our logo. But if you are doing research and databases that are provided by your local public library, your corporate library or in your academic work, then […]
Deborah DiLuca: I’m surprised that everybody’s here. I heard that there was a big party last night. So I’m glad that people actually showed up. I just wanted to sort of talk about DB Schenker. This is our agenda and we’re going to just talk about Schenker and what that is and our cash application, […]
Martin Doran: So just full disclosure, I come from an I.T. background and we’re not usually famous for our presentations. So bear with me here. And, if you have any questions go ahead, please interrupt, make it as interactive as possible because this is really where the value is and where the fun is. So […]
Lauren Kennedy: OK. So we’re just going to go ahead and jump right in and talk about American Greetings. And then we’re going to get into our cash application landscape or key solutions why we chose HighRadius, where we are now and a little bit of about a vendor evaluation. American Greetings was established in […]
[00:10] Jason Herrington: Oh, I want to personally thank everybody that walked all the way down here and found this because I was actually having a hard time and enduring it’s like 40 degrees here. So, and it’s the end of the day so thanks so much for making the time. So I’ll just set […]
Cindy Scott: I can’t feel like I’m making an entrance, this is weird. I was on this podium yesterday and it’s really high, it makes my heartbeat and it creaks so I won’t be moving around a lot. I am probably going to put my glasses on today so I can actually see what I’m […]
Santiago Tommasi: Because so much so I didn’t know yesterday that they were recording this, I thought it was a picture only so- I’m famous now. So thank you for coming. Thank you very much for coming. She said my name is Santiago Tommasi. I work in Mosaic. The area today to talk about credit […]
What does the AR function of the future look like (supported by technologies such as ML and AI) and how to get there?
In this session you will learn about how Treasury can build a great partnership with its Technology vendors and how to maintain that relationship.
Understand how traditional cash forecasting is done Discover how AI aids Treasurers to support CFOs in decision making
Trend analysis to understand recent changes in CPG deduction patterns and customer behaviour CPG Deductions Agenda : 5 things that would prove to be a game changer in 2020
Learn about the trends which have given rise to the increase in cross border payments and gain insights about the benefits of accepting credit card payments.
Join experts from Honeywell, Ivanti, ADP & EmployBridge to learn best practices for O2C digital transformation, A/R processes benchmarking & vendor evaluation.
Achieve higher confidence in long term accuracy Discover how AI transforms a treasurer’s workday and how it empowers decision making
Learn how the most rapid innovations in AR finance help treasury & AR teams boost cash flow while reducing credit risk.
Leverage an e-Invoice portal to dictate how you accept Credit Card and automatically enforce payment terms. Incentivize the buyer to change behavior Achieve sustainable business growth with credit
Testimonies of breaking through the glass ceiling: straight from the horses’ mouth Checklist to promote career growth for women leaders
Session on how Treasurers can create a toolset for successful digital transformation of their treasury function.
A panel of treasury experts get together to discuss the treasury transformation kickstarted by Artificial Intelligence across diverse treasury functions such as fraud management, investments and risk management, forecasting, etc. and how this radical shift the approach towards processes, technology and skills.
Steve Player, Owner of the Player group would be highlighting the commons mistakes which corporate treasuries commit when they forecast cash and the best practices which they must employ to improve the process
learn how to Improve Overall A/R Efficiency Through Digital Credit, Collections, and Cash Posting.
While the traditional working capital focus on DSO, DPO and DIO benefits the balance sheet, a cash conversion cycle optimization approach incorporates reduction of all costs associated with the processing of transactions inherent in working capital management. This session will describe how to design data-driven collections and disbursements strategy that will enhance working capital metrics while also lowering processing costs
[0:00] Kieran Brown: So I joined the business from WorldPay in September last year looking after our relationship with Citi. So I spent six years in the consumer payment space and seen a huge amount of change in the way that consumers buy, expect to buy and how that’s impacted business and the bad behavior […]
[0:01] Susie West: So lets kick-off. Number one. These are some of the observations that are coming out. The global economy has entered a period of synchronized stagnation, with weak growth in some countries, no growth in others and mild contractions in other countries. Okay, so we’re not in a bullish climate. So we just […]
In this session, join Gopal, Founder/CEO Visual BI as he compares between the functionalities of Microsoft Power BI, SAP and Tableau
In this session, join Steve, Senior Solutions Engineer, SAP as he takes you through some of the latest reporting capabilities in S/4HANA in order to build dashboards and scorecards.
Learn how do you design a dashboard suitable for tracking your team's everyday performance as well as to give a crisp summary to your senior management
Join Dave from Credit Today to benchmark your processes against your peers on criticial components including Order Approval, Extended Terms, Late Fees, and more.
Today's finance professionals are much more than just number crunching accountants. They are a part of a much dynamic customer-facing workforce. Join this session by Jessica to explore how to improve your negotiation and communication skills to climb the career graph
It is past time A/R moved beyond Credit vs Sales tug of war. This session will help you understand how to build a pro-sales culture for your credit teams while keeping credit risks in check and highlighting your departments contributions
In this session, learn how to optmize the SAP dispute management module for streamlining the deductions/chargebacks and claims process.
In this session, understand how workflows work in SAP credit management for most frequently used scenarios including credit approvals and credit holds.
In this video you will learn how PNC, Mastercard & Nacha explains how treasury and A/R teams could simplify the payments process by adopting e-payments and much more.
In this panel join D&B, Experian, Creditsafe, CreditRiskMonitor and InfoGroup as they discuss credit strategy, account management, fraud prevention and technology adoption in backdrop of trade wars, risk of recession and other macroeconomic trends.
In this session, Bob is going to talk about the 11 ways you are losing out on cash today in your quote to cash process. He also recommends essential actions you could take to turn the tide in your favour.
Join the one of a kind legal workshop by Scott Blakeley, Founder Blakeley LLP, where he'll talk about the key rules, strategies and best practices on Bankruptcy, Tariffs, Customer Data Privacy and Surcharge
Dealing with Amazon Deductions becomes easier when you understand them better as you can identify resolution patterns. Joining this session by Jessica where she discusses the best practices followed by world-class organizations to manage amazon deductions.
In this panel, join Bank of America, Citi, PNC, Commerce Bank and Bank of the West as they discuss how banks could be the allies that Treasury and A/R teams need for Digital Transformation. Key topics of discussion include collaboration on cash forecasting, cash reconciliation, cross-border trade, payment fraud, and risk management.
Join Vernon, Founder and MD, VGAdvisors session as he takes you through advanced Credit Modeling while using statistics based models
In this session, Gopal, Founder and CEO of Visual BI would discuss how to build Credit, A/R and Collections Reports in SAP BI(BOBJ).
In this session, learn how to build a prioritized collections worklist in SAP FSCM collections management.
In this session, learn how to incorporate custom credit models into SAP FSCM credit management module.
In this session, get familiar with all the frequently used features in the SAP FSCM collections management module including promise to pays, notes, resubmissions, reminders and more.
In this session, join Jessica, Founder, Attain Consulting group as she talks about the strategy to follow to develop the right set of deduction reason codes and streamline your process to industry standards
With the help of digitization, SAP is empowering all the finance roles within an organization. Finance leaders can centralize and simplify accounts receivable processes like credit management with automation. In this session, learn how SAP credit management works and how you can optimize your credit management strategies in S/4HANA.
In this session, learn how to configure collections strategies in SAP FSCM collections management module
In this session, understand how SAP Receivables Management(FSCM) Credit module could be leveraged to create a customer dashboard in order to perform credit reviews with all the critical information in one screen.
A beginner level introduction to measuring and hedging risk.
Understand the top 3 key strategies to fast-track your implementation process. Learn how Compass Group achieved 85% Autocash rate, Improved SLA’s and even more.
Listen to the discussion to understand how artificial intelligence is changing the CFO narrative in predicting business risks and business optimization.
Join experts from Church & Dwight and BMS to get tips on the parameters to consider while selecting a best-in-breed cloud solution to automate the A/R process.
Understand how Hershey's automated deduction resolution process helped them reduce write-offs Learn about the future of deductions in the age of Artificial Intelligence
Understanding the real-life use cases of AI in Deductions for Mattel How AI can help in accurate deduction research recommendations
Learn how a credit scoring model based on AI could help you predict the risk of bankruptcy Weigh out risk objectively while onboarding new customers
Learn how prioritized worklist helped Primesource to create collection strategies. Understanding the importance of analytics to reduce the number of disputes created. Learn how Priomesource improved their analyst’s efficiency with centralized operations.
Key factors that contribute to the challenges in handling retail returns deductions Witness the perfect strategy to achieve zero auto write-offs Learn how Brightstar achieved a 65% reduction in FTE's in the A/R team size along with lesser deductions
Practical use cases of Continuous Auditing & Continuous Monitoring in O2C landscape. Potential roadblocks in the adoption of Continuous Auditing & Continuous Monitoring.
Know how to Avoid the Costs of Inaccurate Forecasting: Visibility, Collaboration, and AI.
Integrated O2C process: how the A/R modules interact with each other Freedom from delays: how to achieve same-day cash posting using AI
Leveraging HighRadius cloud solutions for freeing up as much as 16 man hours a day Maximizing the ROI on A/R automation and doing the right service to your company
Attend this brainstorming workshop facilitated by Uber to come up with several use cases and instances for integrated analytics in O2C. Problem Statement: How to make the cloud solutions more interconnected, what role can integrated analytics play in the concept of integrated receivables?
American Greetings success story with HighRadius EIPP Cloud. Best practices for onboarding customers on an electronic billing and payments platform.
How HighRadius cloud solutions aided Johnsonville in working with big-box retailers. 5 focus areas to optimize order-to-cash in the coming year, beyond first-level automation.
Staying involved in the channels of communication across the organizational hierarchy Internal and External Conflicts in order-to-cash, and how to tackle them
Proactively reduce deduction write-offs with root-cause analysis for faster resolution. Improve working capital and lower borrowing costs by streamlining collections.
How Staples reduced DSO by 6 days through AI-enabled collections How critical accounts are auto-transferred to 3rd party collection agencies
Shift to a digital-first deductions resolution approach through progressive hiring. Evolve the role of transaction-oriented deduction clerks to strategic business analysts with Artificial Intelligence. Improve collaboration across teams for prompt resolution.
Learn how Cash Application helps Sanofi reduce its effort by 50% and completed a global implementation project meeting.
Listen & learn how Danone approached business process standardization by overcoming multiple challenges.
Ensuring better internal and external user experience with A/R automation. Simplifying the global O2C technology landscape with HRC Integrated Receivables.
Understanding the data parameters required to built a tool for predicting assets A live walk-through of the borrowing base model across the stages of order maturity
Understanding the various personas who interact with a credit manager Culture or technology? The answer to resolving lack of inter-team collaboration
Treasury departments are adopting new technological innovations to improve efficiencies and outcomes from various treasury functions but what are the important factors a treasurer as a decision-maker should consider during their evaluation to ensure that they pick tech which meets their objectives and helps them realize its full potential.
Credit professional’s guide to balance risk exposure against profitability goals Your action plan to lead credit teams in 2020: Best practices from industry experts
Establish proper workflows between credit and collections to improve customer service Implement a customer-first training plan to offer standardized customer experience and reduce churn
Know the key areas to focus for O2C Digitalization from Saurabh Chopra, Director, Business process management, C2C at Honeywell.
The evolution of Analytics 2.0 and why every A/R Manager Needs It In 2020 Collections Dashboards HID Global uses today, and the scope for analytics in future
Practical examples of implementing chatbots in O2C. How to redesign the future of chatbots with AI and Machine Learning.
In this session, Order to Cash leader Steven Wurst speaks about the 4 stages of evolution which the receivables cash forecasting process at Duracell underwent, observing the challenges faced in each stage and how it overcame them using continuous improvement and technology.
Join Roger Anderson, Principal Consultant, Optimize Consulting, to learn tips on working with a technology vendor for successful A/R automation.
Understand the requirements of a consultant to build an efficient dashboard for your business Top 4 mistakes that you could avoid to reduce the extra cost of building your next dashboard
Top A/R frauds to safeguard your organization against and understanding the role of predictive analytics to reduce frauds in A/R
How data aggregation could be automated with RPA to save 50% of the analyst’s time. Achieving better results across the A/R department with an integrated technology landscape.
Join leading industry experts from Gartner, Forrester, IDC, Hackett & Transformant to understand the potential & limitations of AI in Finance transformation.
In this video learn how the Macro-economy has driven US rates to historical lows, their nature and the positive or negative implications they have on member companies.
Anna Nowak from ADIDAS shares her experience on creating the 5-step action plan for leveraging O2C digital transformation.
Designing your credit policy and collections strategies, by keeping them aligned. Tackling customers who are delinquent or are taking undue advantage of their position.
3 basic levers of a best-in-class collections strategy formed solely with customer data Use case: 200% improvement in collections productivity with AI and machine learning
Hiring and nurturing the right talent for customer-facing A/R job roles. Executive’s guide to making their teams deliver despite challenging consumer demands.
Understanding the customer-led digital transformation initiatives at Zurich. Cash application automation at Zurich: a success story.
Understand how traditional cash forecasting is done using complex excel formulas. Discover how AI transforms a treasurer’s workday and how it empowers decision making.
Understanding the current automation features available for trade promotion settlement. The Vision for what trade promotion management could be transformed into by 2020
Learn why is your domestic credit policy not fit for handling international customers. Five must-have in your credit policy, expert’s choice.
Get expert information from Sahil Vijay, senior A/R leader at GE on order to cash process automation and how analytics helps O2C departments become world-class.
Shurtech's guide to align internal teams and processes to achieve the customer satisfaction objectives How Yaskawa leveraged order-to-cash automation for better end-user experience
Real-life instances of how organizations misinterpret DSO. How Lhoist achieved 5X collector’s productivity through automation.
4 parameters to choose between in-house and outsourced collections
Treasury professionals are being charged with delivering value beyond finance. Spending time on non-value add activities
Develop scalable models that lead to operational efficiency within minimal time. Focus on customer centricity without compromising on performance.
ABinBev’s vision of digital transformation being realized within its O2C team. Insights for the future from ABInBev’s first-hand interaction with automation systems.
Grooming the next generation leaders: A proactive leader’s guide. The architecture of a perfect boss: A scorecard to your leadership skills.
Learn how Caliber Collision saved 12 hrs per day in processing payments using IR. Learn how the elimination of transactional tasks, shifted A/R team’s focus on strategic goals. Learn about some of the cross-department benefits of cash application at Calliber Collision.
This interactive workshop will be led by Bryan DeGraw, Associate Principal and Global Lead of The Hackett Group’s Customer-to-Cash Advisory Program. During the session, Bryan will provide an overview of how The Hackett Group determines World-Class performance. The session would highlight the key performance metrics and best practice characteristics of World-Class Customer to Cash organizations. In this highly interactive workshop, Bryan will run the participants through an exercise that follows Hackett’s methodology to evaluate process capability maturity in the Credit and Collections processes. Participants will be able to self-assess their current performance levels and better understand the best practices that deliver World-Class Efficiency and Effectiveness.
A panel discussion by industry leaders from Shurtape, PepsiCo, & GlobalTranz about O2C workforce transformation & expectations from AI.
Elevate your process
to the next level
with Automation