In 2015 for the first time in account receivables industry, HighRadius conducted the “Best Minds in A/R Contest” – a global competition to recognize and reward professionals with the most revolutionary and innovative ideas in credit and accounts receivable. The contest saw participation across industry verticals, with over 400 ideas submitted by A/R professionals. The submitted ideas were evaluated by a panel of industry experts comprised of CFOs, VPs and Finance Directors from PepsiCo, Intel, Novartis, Tech Data, Nike, Starbucks, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, and other Fortune 1000 companies.

Complimentary Webinar

3 Business Decision Frameworks for Evaluating Technology for Cash Application Automation



What you'll learn

  • Implementation of risk class scorecard with real time integration with ERP by John Fahey – Director of Credit, Edward Don
  • Easier invoicing via Billing optimization in SAP by Kris Ganesh – Customer Value Center Manager, Cementos Argos
  • e-Invoicing and integration with customer accounting system by Theresa Murphy – Supervisor  Cash Applications, Pall Corporation and Larry Grace – Corporate Credit Manager, Ply Gem Siding Group

About the Webinar

In 2015 for the first time in account receivables industry, HighRadius conducted the “Best Minds in A/R Contest” – a global competition to recognize and reward professionals with the most revolutionary and innovative ideas in credit and accounts receivable. The contest saw participation across industry verticals, with over 400 ideas submitted by A/R professionals. The submitted ideas were evaluated by a panel of industry experts comprised of CFOs, VPs and Finance Directors from PepsiCo, Intel, Novartis, Tech Data, Nike, Starbucks, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, and other Fortune 1000 companies.

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HighRadius Cash Application Software enables the end-to-end automation of the cash application process that covers major benefits such as AI-enabled data capture for remittances, auto-linking of payments with open invoices, cost-cutting on lockbox fees and easy compatibility with any system due to its ERP-agnostic Saas infrastructure. Apart from the major benefits that it has, there are some key features which can not be missed out, some of them are Email Remittance capture, Discounts and Deductions Handling, Check Remittance Capture, Web Remittance Capture, Invoice Matching, and RDC & Mobile Payments.