A Robot Could Cut Your DSO in Half: How Ferrero Uses RPA and AI for Collections, Cash Application and Claims Management


About The Webinar

Welcome to the world’s first educational web-series on AI in AR: Reshaping A/R with Artificial Intelligence.

As a Credit and A/R leader, you could choose to continue throwing more of the same, at problems which have existed for decades, while turning a deaf ear to the buzz around robotics, AI and machine learning.

Or, you could follow the way of Kay Rogers, Senior Credit and Deductions Manager at Ferrero, who chose RPA and AI-enabled Integrated Receivables to plug time, cost and productivity leaks in their A/R operations by automating manual tasks across cash application, collections and deductions management and enabling seamless flow of information between functional silos.

Sounds like too sweet a deal? Join part 2 of this series with experts from CRF and Ferrero for a real-world strategy to overcome the 3 most common and debilitating challenges in A/R departments – limited process visibility, broken internal collaboration and productivity lost in low-value,  manual processing.

There’s no time like the present

Get a Demo of Cash Application Cloud for Your Business

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HighRadius Cash Application Software enables the end-to-end automation of the cash application process that covers major benefits such as AI-enabled data capture for remittances, auto-linking of payments with open invoices, cost-cutting on lockbox fees and easy compatibility with any system due to its ERP-agnostic Saas infrastructure. Apart from the major benefits that it has, there are some key features which can not be missed out, some of them are Email Remittance capture, Discounts and Deductions Handling, Check Remittance Capture, Web Remittance Capture, Invoice Matching, and RDC & Mobile Payments.