SMB A/R Secrets: 3 Reasons Your Cash Application Team Could Fail in 2020


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Success mantra of top-performing CFOs is to focus investments on processes that impact revenue while controlling the process costs of low-value operations. But these 3 cash application mistakes drive up expenses by 127%, while dragging team productivity.

  • Dependence on expensive bank lockbox and data key-in services to process checks
  • Manual e-remittance aggregation and time-consuming ACH processing despite it being a small part of your payments mix
  • Manual identification and coding of short payments that slows down deductions research

There are new best practices and technologies that you could leverage to plug A/R cost leaks and slash cash application process costs by more than 50%. Join this webinar to learn how companies including Starbucks, Danone, and Lhoist have built future-ready A/R teams using these three best practices.

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HighRadius Cash Application Software enables the end-to-end automation of the cash application process that covers major benefits such as AI-enabled data capture for remittances, auto-linking of payments with open invoices, cost-cutting on lockbox fees and easy compatibility with any system due to its ERP-agnostic Saas infrastructure. Apart from the major benefits that it has, there are some key features which can not be missed out, some of them are Email Remittance capture, Discounts and Deductions Handling, Check Remittance Capture, Web Remittance Capture, Invoice Matching, and RDC & Mobile Payments.