General Ledger account specific reconciliation template

Allow users to leverage pre-configured reconciliation templates (or create their own templates) to accelerate the reconciliation process


How GL Specific Recon Templates Helps in Faster and Accurate Reconciliation Process

Auto interface of GL and sub ledger data

  • Auto load of balances and transactional data in to reconciliation template
  • Enables proactive analysis of open items

Perform computations and create supporting files all within the same file

  • Enables analysis of transactional data, perform computations and create supporting documents in the same template
  • Manager and Audit review friendly

Grouped reconciliations for quicker turn around

  • Multiple accounts within an account category can be combined in to a single group for reconciliation purposes
  • Examples are Fixed Asset (FA) GL accounts reconciled as a FA grouped reconciliation and multiple Bank accounts reconciled as a grouped reconciliation