Integrated Receivables Cloud Platform

Automated Deductions Coding

Automatically identify and validate deductions and discounts and map customer reason codes to ERP-specfic reasons codes.

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Automated Deductions Coding solutions diagram



  • Reduce write-offs by verifying eligibility for discounts taken

    Validate whether the discounts taken by customers are earned or unearned based on payment terms or trade promotions.

  • Free up analyst bandwidth by auto-identifying deduction type

    Automatically identify the reason for short-payment such as trade promotions, early payment discounts, or damages goods without any manual research.

  • Resolve disputes faster with built-in deduction coding

    Map external reason codes provided by customers with internal ERP-specific reason codes, enabling faster dispute resolution by analysts.

  • Handle short-payments with complex parent-child relationships

    Automatically split a combined short-payment into multiple different child reason codes or consolidate multiple similar short-payments into a single parent reason code.

How to get started

1. Capture details from remittance, claims and ERP extract

Auto-capture deduction information from remittances with the help of an AI-enabled remittance parser engine and extract customer master data such as trade promotion management, payment terms, and invoice details from the ERP. Seamlessly integrate with Deductions Cloud to extract data from claims.

2. Calculate eligible discounts on the invoices paid for

Identify whether a particular short-payment taken by a customer is eligible for a discount based on the trade promotions or payment terms information.

3. Calculate short payment or overpayment

Automatically calculate short payments or overpayments based on the calculated eligible discount.

4. Categorize deductions based on system patterns or customer sent reason codes

Categorize the deductions taken by the customers based on patterns or customer reason codes such as
advertising, compliance.

Populate deduction reason code

Automatically populate the short payments, overpayments, and customer deductions with their reason-codes.

This is Why A/R Teams Love Us

HighRadius Customer: Johnsonville Sausage
Speed : The cash application team at Johnsonville Sausage reduced the time spent on cash posting from 40 hours to 17 hours with 80% of the dollars applied without any manual intervention.
Automated Deductions Coding_highradius
Faster and accurate cash posting : Johnson and Johnson achieved a 95%+ hit rate in cash reconciliation with the help of automation

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