Collection Email and Dunning Automation with Excel
What’s inside?
- A Guide on how-to-use these Word & Excel templates to send over 1000 personalized dunning emails in less than 15 minutes
- Top 10 Read-to-Use Email Scripts used for collection dunning by 700+ collection teams across the globe (in Word Format).
- 10 Excel tables customized for the respective email scripts to input information like customer name, outstanding amount, due dates, etc.
As a collector, you must have had the experience of listening to never-ending excuses given by the defaulters as to why they were unable to pay. However, you are required to tactfully deal with all such excuses from typical defaulters while maintaining healthy customer relationships. This requires writing 100+ dunning letters & emails every week. But does it have to be so taxing and boring?
What if you can get ready-to-use email scripts as word templates, being used by 700+ collection teams across the globe? Not only that, what if I tell you, you can send 1000+ of these emails in 15 minutes using only Excel & Word functions? Sounds a bit exaggerated, right? But it isn’t. And here’s how …
Collection Dunning Automation in 3 Simple Steps
Top 10 Collection Email Templates (Word + Excel Files) For
FAQs About Dunning & Collection Email Automation with Excel
1.How to turn the Dunning process into a positive customer experience?
These practices help in customer practices :
- Focus on your messaging
- Pace your campaigns
- Stop pre-dunning or bugging before time
- Be warm and clear in your mails.
2. How frequently should you send Collection emails?
Send out your emails in an organic way. How often you send emails can have a significant effect on your company revenue and collection rates. But it’s not as simple as just sending more emails to collect the amount owed or notify the customers. Make sure that the mails do not feel like spam, at the same time do not miss important reminder emails. Learn how to make this process easier by For more information on how to use mail merge for multiple e-mail recipients, click the following How-to-doc to view the self help guide on how to implement it in 6 steps.
3. What are some best practices for designing your specialized email templates for mail merge ?
Some best practices are :
- Clearly specify the credit/collection terms with details such as <due-dates>, early payment discounts, service & charges for late payments.
- Attach the credit /collection policy.
Clearly redirect the customer by providing link to the portal.
4: What are the key elements of an effective Dunning & Collection Email?
A return address is important when you’re sending your emails, and make sure you are sending from an email address which customers are able to respond to. “Do not reply” addresses can just add an extra level of frustration to the process for the customer because you haven’t made it easy for them to reply if they wish to do so.
As for the subject line of your email, make it clear why you are sending it so that the customer immediately knows there is a problem with their subscription. For example, your first email subject might be as simple as; [Collection Problem Name].