Will AI Impact Collections Analysts’ Roles? Explore the 5 AI Use Cases Shaping Their Future

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What's Inside?

  • Explore how AI enables smarter decision-making and better customer relationships.
  • Discover five AI-driven features transforming collections.
  • Get actionable insights on how collections teams can leverage AI to drive better outcomes.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

A Day in the Life of a Collections Analyst

Chapter 3

Types of Emails and Calls

Chapter 4

5 AI Use Cases Transforming the Collections Analysts Role

Chapter 5

How AI Impacts Operational KPIs

Chapter 6

AI Will Only Work as Your Personal Assistant
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Chapter 01


As AI permeates various sectors, a pressing question lingers in the minds of collections analysts: “Will AI take over my job?” Despite fears of AI-driven automation potentially leading to job displacement, the reality is far from dire. Instead, AI is set to transform collections roles, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness without eliminating the human element.

Recent studies, including insights from HighRadius CEO Sashi Narahari, suggest that while AI may disrupt current job structures, it is poised to create twice as many new roles as it displaces. Furthermore, a revealing survey from London venture capital firm MMC found that two in every five companies claiming to use AI do not actually implement the technology, indicating a gap between perception and reality in AI adoption.

This eBook takes you on a journey through a typical day in the life of a collections analyst, illustrating how AI transforms mundane tasks into strategic operations. From handling routine communications to managing complex disputes, AI tools empower analysts to perform with greater precision and insight.

Key Questions to Consider:

  • How will AI reshape the day-to-day responsibilities of collections analysts?
  • What strategies can collections departments implement to integrate AI without displacing the workforce?
  • How can companies prepare their workforce for the shift towards AI-enhanced roles?

By addressing these questions and exploring the capabilities of AI, this eBook aims to provide a balanced view of AI’s role in modernizing collections, highlighting both its potential and its limitations.

Chapter 02

A Day in the Life of a Collections Analyst

Step into the shoes of a collections analyst and discover the structured yet dynamic nature of their daily work. Tasked with managing a large volume of communications and financial responsibilities, collections analysts are essential in maintaining the financial health of a company.

Daily Time Allocation: A Visual Overview

A typical day is divided into key activities, depicted clearly in a pie chart. This visualization underscores the priority given to communication through calls and emails, which form the backbone of daily operations.


Prioritization and Strategic Planning

Each morning, analysts prioritize their tasks by evaluating accounts based on payment terms and urgency. They create a to-do list that not only organizes the day’s activities but also strategically positions them to address the most pressing financial matters first.

Managing Communications

Regular interaction with clients through phone and email is crucial for collections analysts. Each communication serves to address immediate financial issues and maintain ongoing relationships with clients, aiming to manage transactions smoothly and ensure mutual satisfaction. Phone calls require careful preparation and thorough follow-up, including a review of the customer’s account and planning the best approach for the conversation. Similarly, emails involve significant effort, from researching account details to taking appropriate actions based on the communication’s content. Each interaction is handled with professionalism, balancing efficiency with personalized service to strengthen client relationships.

Reporting and Analytics

Collections analysts play a crucial role in weekly executive management meetings by providing detailed updates on delinquent A/R reports. These discussions focus on leveraging reports and analytics to develop strategies that reduce DSO and limit bad debt expenses, all while supporting revenue growth. By presenting data-driven insights, analysts help guide decision-making processes and optimize the overall financial health of the company.

Chapter 03

Types of Emails and Calls

In the role of a collections analyst, communication via emails and phone calls constitutes a significant portion of daily tasks. Understanding the variety of communications and how AI can optimize these interactions is crucial for enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

Email Automation

Types of Emails

Collections analysts handle a diverse range of email types each day, including:

  • Account Statement Requests: Customers often request statements to review their transaction history.
  • Invoice PDF Requests: Specific details or copies of invoices are frequently requested for verification or processing.
  • Payment Confirmations: Confirmation emails are sent to acknowledge the receipt of payments.
  • Disputes: Dispute emails involve clarification requests or errors in billing that need resolution.
  • General Follow-Ups: Regular follow-ups to ensure timely payments or to maintain communication lines.

AI in Email Handling

AI significantly streamlines email management by automating responses to routine inquiries. For instance, when a request for an account statement or invoice is received, AI systems can automatically:

  • Draft a response confirming receipt of the request.
  • Identify and retrieve the relevant documents.
  • Attach these documents to the email and send them to the customer without manual intervention.
  • Log the interaction for future reference, ensuring no request goes untracked.

This automation reduces the time analysts spend on routine email tasks, allowing them to focus on more complex issues that require human judgment and interaction.

Call Prioritization and Assistance


Before even picking up the phone, AI helps analysts by:

  • Prioritizing Customers for Calls: AI analyzes payment history and account status to prioritize which customers should be called first.
  • Understanding Communication History: Quick access to previous interactions aids in personalized and informed communication.
  • Conducting Customer Account Reviews: AI tools quickly compile relevant account information, helping prepare for productive discussions.

During the Call

While on the call, AI continues to assist by:

  • Taking Notes: AI can transcribe conversations in real time, ensuring that all details are captured accurately.
  • Searching for Invoices and Relevant Information: AI systems provide quick access to needed documents during the conversation, reducing hold times and improving customer satisfaction.

Post-Call Actions

After the call, AI enhances follow-up efficiency by:

  • Sending Summary Emails: Automatically generated emails that summarize the call and confirm any agreements or actions can be sent, ensuring clarity and commitment.
  • Creating Action Items: AI can help log action items directly into the collections system, such as promises to pay (P2P), dispute resolutions, and follow-up tasks.

By integrating AI into these communication processes, collections analysts can ensure that each customer interaction is as efficient and effective as possible. This not only improves the operational efficiency but also enhances customer relations by providing timely, accurate, and personalized service.

Chapter 04

5 AI Use Cases Transforming the Collections Analysts Role

Here are the AI use cases that not only streamline specific tasks but also collectively enhance the strategic importance of the collections analyst within the organization. By automating routine tasks and using AI to analyze and prioritize work, analysts can focus on more complex, value-adding activities.

  1. AI Prioritized Worklist
    Function: The AI-prioritized worklist uses machine learning algorithms to analyze numerous data points across customer accounts, such as payment behavior, credit risk, and invoice amounts. This technology prioritizes the accounts that need attention based on the likelihood of delayed payments and other risk indicators.
    Transformation: By intelligently prioritizing which accounts to focus on, collections analysts can optimize their efforts, focusing their time on the most critical accounts first. This not only increases the efficiency of collections activities but also improves cash flow and reduces DSO.

    AI Prioritized Worklist displaying Suggested Actions, Past Due Amounts, Open Amounts, among others.

  2. In-App Dialer
    Function: The In-App Dialer integrates directly into the collections management software, allowing analysts to make calls from within the application. This system logs call details automatically and can schedule follow-ups based on the conversation outcomes.
    Transformation: This seamless integration simplifies the workflow for collections analysts, ensuring that they have all necessary customer information at their fingertips during calls. It eliminates the need for multiple systems and manual logging of call data, thereby enhancing productivity and reducing the chances of errors.

    In-App Dialer Functionality in-built within Collections Software


    Call Transcription Functionality


    Check Call Summary and Suggestion Actions Within In-App Dialer


    AI Generated Call Summary highlights the key points of the conversation

  3. Intelligent Email Inboxes
    Function: Intelligent email inboxes automatically categorize and prioritize incoming emails based on content and sender importance. This system can also suggest responses or automate responses to routine inquiries.
    Transformation: Collections analysts benefit from reduced email handling time and improved response accuracy. This system enables them to focus on more complex queries and customer interactions, enhancing customer satisfaction and efficiency in managing communications.

    Automated Responses for Routine Inquiries


    Reply With FreedaGPT (GenAI Assistant)


    Option to Choose Tone, Word Count, and Attachments for Your Personalized Email


    Your Personalized Email Created With FreedaGPT

  4. Advanced Dunning
    Function: Advanced dunning systems automate the process of sending reminders and notices to customers about pending payments. These systems tailor communication based on customer profiles and previous interactions, using varying tones and escalation levels.
    Transformation: By automating routine communication, collections analysts can allocate more time to resolving complex disputes and engaging in negotiations. This results in a more strategic role, where their expertise is used in critical situations rather than for routine communication tasks.

    Correspondences Function in Collections


    Auto Correspondence Created Within Correspondences for Pending Payments


    Status of each Correspondence sent

  5. AP Portal Automation
    Function: AP portal automation streamlines the process of managing accounts payable by allowing suppliers to submit invoices, track invoice status, and communicate through a centralized portal. This automation reduces manual data entry and enhances transparency in the invoicing process.
    Transformation: For collections analysts, this module reduces the workload related to invoice disputes and payment follow-ups. It allows analysts to focus on high-impact activities such as relationship management and strategic analysis, thereby elevating their role from administrative to strategic.
Chapter 05

How AI Impacts Operational KPIs

The integration of AI within collections processes doesn’t just change how tasks are performed; it dramatically improves key performance indicators (KPIs), essential for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of collections activities. Here’s how each KPI is positively impacted by AI:


  1. Collection Calls Per Day
    Impact: With the introduction of AI-powered tools like the In-App Dialer and prioritized worklists, collections analysts can handle calls more efficiently. AI helps in pre-call preparation by providing all relevant customer information and post-call documentation automatically. As a result, the number of collection calls per day can double. This increase is not just in quantity but also in quality, as each call is more targeted and informed.
  2. Collection Emails Per Day
    Impact: Intelligent email inboxes streamline the management of incoming and outgoing communications. By automating responses to routine queries and prioritizing emails based on urgency and content, collections analysts can handle a higher volume of emails. This efficiency can potentially triple the number of collection emails managed per day, ensuring quicker responses and sustained customer engagement without additional strain on resources.
  3. Automated Emails Per Day
    Impact: Advanced dunning systems automate the process of sending payment reminders and notices. This capability allows the collections team to scale up their outreach without additional manpower, significantly increasing the volume of automated emails sent each day. The capacity for sending automated emails can increase by up to tenfold, enhancing the ability to communicate timely and effectively with a larger customer base.
  4. Call
    Impact: AI tools optimize how collections analysts prioritize and engage with accounts, particularly those that are past due. With smarter prioritization and more efficient communication tools, analysts can cover more past due accounts in less time. This improved management leads to a fourfold increase in past due coverage per week, directly contributing to reduced DSO and improving the overall financial health of the company.
Chapter 06

AI Will Only Work as Your Personal Assistant

The future of collections, as shaped by AI, is not one of diminished human input but of enriched human engagement. Collections analysts are not facing obsolescence but rather an evolution of their roles, where their human skills such as empathy, strategic thought, and personal judgment become more crucial than ever.

In embracing AI, you are not ushering in an era of replacement but are stepping into a realm of enhanced collaboration between human intelligence and machine efficiency. This partnership promises to redefine the landscape of collections management, making it more dynamic, insightful, and inherently human.

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