Balance Sheet Reconciliation

Insurance Receivables Reconciliation

Automate transaction matching between insurance provider GL and broker statements.

Key Capabilities

Sync Insurance Receivables Data

Sync Insurance Receivables Data

Sync insurance system data, including premiums, claims, and payments.

Sync ERP GL Data

Sync ERP GL Data

Integrates with the GL to pull corresponding data for insurance receivables accounts.

Separate Receivables Data

Separate Receivables Data

Categorize receivables data into debits and credits to facilitate efficient matching.

Discover Matching Rules

Discover Matching Rules

Identify patterns and rules for matching insurance transactions.

Match Receivables Transactions

Match Receivables Transactions

Match received premiums with outstanding ones and claims with submitted payouts.

Review Exceptions

Review Exceptions

Flag any exceptions or unmatched items for manual review.

400+ Enterprise Customers
Enterprise Customers
600+ Mid-Market Customers
Mid-Market Customers